Keyboard Instruments
127 hours, 8 minutes & 52 hours
Mrityunjay Sharma
Shri Ram College of Commerce
Delhi, India
October 11th - 17th, 2015 (127:08)
March 12th - 14th, 2015 (52)
Guinness World Records (127:08)
Limca Records(52)
111 hours, 11 minutes
101 hours, 7 minutes
64 hours
63 hours
58 hours, 26 minutes
Charles Brunner
Crowne Point Plaza, Port of Spain
Trinidad and Tobago
November 6th - 11th, 2010(111:11)
December 9th - 13th, 2008(101:07)
Hilton Hotel, Port of Spain
December 7th - 9th, 2006(64)
2006 (63)
October, 2004 (58:26)
Trinidad & Tobago Newsday - 64 hours and earlier, 101:07, 111:11
YouTube (111:11)
103 hours & 54 hours, 1 minute
Romuald Koperski
Alfa Centrum Mall
Gdansk, Poland
(103)January 27th - 31st, 2010
(54:01)November, 2004
65 hours
Patricia Jones
Teresa's Piano Gallery
Jacksonville, FL, USA
November 12th - 15th, 2007
63 hours, 11 minutes
61 hours, 3 minutes
56 hours, 10 minutes
Tim Buie
Wilmington, NC
Rumrunners (63:11)
November, 2006
Wilson's Restaurant
February 10th - 12th, 2005(61:03)
January, 2005(56 hours, 10 minutes)
60 hours, 1 min & 36 hours, 3 min
Nina Irslinger
Trinity Church, Arendal, Norway
(60:01)March 28th - 30th, 2015
Evangelical Church, Evje, Norway
(36 hours)April 4th - 5th, 2009
(60:01)The Local, Guinness World Records
45 hours, 9 minutes
40 hour, 4 minutes
Michael Servant
West Wittering Primary School St. Mark's English Church
Chichester, West Sussex, UK Florence, Italy
December 3rd - 5th, 2013(45:09) September 25th - 26th, 2009(40:04)
"Mr. Servant, apparently, did this a third time prior to these two listed, in Norway. I cannot yet find the time or location for that effort" - JR
40 hours, 36 minutes
Jacqueline Sadler
Eastminster United Church
Toronto, ON
June 20th - 22nd, 2011
"Nicolas Horvath and Richard Toop both gave performances of "Vexations" on piano that lasted 35 hours and 24 hours, respectively. More information on that can be found under 'Longest Performance of a Song', there is also evidence of a record between Michael Servant's first two attempts. I do no yet know who that is. " - JR
Are we wrong? Do you know something we don't?! Please contact us if you are aware of other Longest Performances on Keys not listed, or errors we may have here!